How to Pay GRU Bill
GRU (Gainesville Regional Utilities)
Gainesville Regional Utilities is a multi-service utility. It is owned by the City of Gainesville. It is also known as GRU. In Florida, it is the 5th largest municipal electric utility. It was founded in 1912. Headquarter of GRU is located at Florida. They offer Electric, Natural Gas, Water, Wastewater, and Telecommunications Service. They serve approximately 93,000 retail and wholesale customers.
GRU Online Bill Payment
If you are a GRU service consumer, then you probably want to know how to pay your bills. In order to pay your bills, you have to register on their official website.
If you are a customer, then you can access your account from your PC or from your mobile app. In order to access the GRU account, you have to register first. Here we will explain to you how to register and how to login to your account.
Rates and Tariffs
If you are a new customer in GRU, then you should know about the rates and tariffs. They offer a very affordable rate and tariffs to the customers. You can follow these steps, to check the rates and tariffs:
- First, you have to visit the official website of GRU.
- Or, you can just click on this link www.gru.com, for direct access to the page.
- Then click on For My Home from the menu.
- Then you have to click on Manage My Bill, which is located on the left side of the screen.
- After that, click on Rates, deposits & fees.
- It will take you to your desired page, where you can check every detail regarding rates and tariffs.
How to Register
It is very easy to register for the GRU account. Through this portal, you can pay your bills. By following some very simple steps, you can easily complete the registration process. But for the first time, you may face some problems. In that case, you can follow these instructions to pay the bill:
- First, you have to visit the official website of GRU.
- Or, you can just click on this link www.gru.com, for direct access to the page.
- Then click on Account Log In.
- Then under Log In to GRU, click on Log In.
- Next, you have to click on the Sign-up option.
- Enter your Username on the first field.
- Then create a password.
- Retype your password for confirmation.
- Then enter your first name.
- Enter your last name.
- Enter your email address.
- Retype your email for the confirmation.
- After that, click on the Next button.
- Then follow these prompted details to complete the registration process.
How to Login
If you already have an account in GRU, then you easily login using your login credentials. You may face a problem for the first time. Follow these instructions to complete the process:
- First, you have to visit the official website of GRU.
- Or, you can just click on this link www.gru.com, for direct access to the page.
- Then click on Account Log In.
- Then under Log In to GRU, click on Log In.
- Enter your username and password on the provided field.
- After that, click on the Login button.
How to Reset Password
A password is a very important credential. So, you have to keep remember your password. If you forgot your password, then follow these instructions:
- First, you have to visit the official website of GRU.
- Or, you can just click on this link www.gru.com, for direct access to the page.
- Then click on Account Log In.
- Then under Log In to GRU, click on Log In.
- Click on Forgot Password.
- Then you have to enter your username.
- Enter your first name.
- Then enter your last name.
- After that, click on the Submit button.
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How to Reset Username
In any case, you lost your username, then you can follow these instructions:
- First, you have to visit this link apps.gru.com/Website/UsernameLookup/.
- Then enter your email address on the given box.
- After that, click on Lookup Username.
There are several ways to pay your GRU bills:
Online Payment:
In order to pay your GRU bill online, you have to follow these instructions:
- First, you have to visit the official website of GRU.
- Or, you can just click on this link www.gru.com, for direct access to the page.
- Then click on Account Log In.
- Then under Log In to GRU, click on Log In.
- Enter your username and password on the provided field.
- After that, click on the Login button.
- From there you can easily make payments.
Pay via Mail:
You can also make payments by mail. You just have to send you payment with all the required information to this below address:
Gainesville Regional Utilities
P.O. Box 147051
Gainesville, FL 32614-7051
Pay via Phone:
You can pay your GRU bill over your phone. for that, you have to dial 1-800-818-3436 or 352-334-3434. You can make payment using your debit card, credit card or bank account.
One-time Bank Draft:
Make a secure payment from your bank account with click-2-pay:
- First, you have to visit this link www.gru.com/MyHome/Content/One-timeBankDraft.
- Click on Login to the GRU website.
- Enter your username and password to log in.
- From there you can easily make payments.
Debit/Credit/ATM payment:
Make a one-time card payment using your debit/credit or ATM Card. You have to pay using Western Union Speedpay.
- First, you have to visit this link internet.speedpay.com.
- Enter your account number.
- Then enter your zip code.
- After that, click on Log In.
- From there you can easily make payments.
Pay in Person:
You can also make payment at any of your nearest Western Union Agent Locations or Fidelity Express Payment Locations. In order to find the nearest payment center, you have to follow these instructions:
Western Union:
- First, click on this link locations.westernunion.com.
- Select your country.
- Enter your zip code.
- After that, click on the Go button.
Fidelity Express:
- First, you have to click on this link www.fidelityexpress.co.
- Then enter your city, address, or zip code.
- Enter your billing name.
- Then click on the Get Started button.
Pay Through the Mobile Website:
- First, you have to visit this link apps.gru.com.
- Then enter your username and password on the given box.
- After that, click on the Login button.
- There clicking on the specific link you can make payment.
Contact Info
Service & Billing Questions: 352-334-3434 or 1-800-818-3436 (Toll Free)
Available Hours: 7:30 AM – 6 PM: M, T, Th, F
9 AM – 6 PM: W
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 147051 Station A110
Gainesville, FL 32614-7051
Downtown Office Address:
301 SE 4th Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
Company Info
- Website: www.gru.com
- Mobile App: Not Available
- Telephone Number: 352-334-3434
- Headquartered In: Florida
- Founded: 1912 (107 years ago)
Reference Link